Monday, November 26, 2012

B43 BroadCom Wireless Driver sucks as hell

Yes, I don't like that driver.

The story continued with me being disappointed of not being able to set up my wireless settings.

# wifi-menu
"No such interface found: wlan0"

Oh noooo, c'mon!

Ok, so I went to that page ArchLinux told me about, when it finished loading. The system said something like the driver could not be loaded or so...

Fedora, Ubuntu, ... Bla bla bla...a little bit further, hmm, oh no, ArchLinux is not listed. No good news!

So the last chance -> "Other distributions not mentioned above"

And right below that the warning: "Note: You need to have a compiler and headers for libc installed, since you will have to build fwcutter from source".

Well, I don't have internet access, I don't have a OS installed! No, of course I can't compile stuff! Holy ....arghhhh!

How to solve that problem:

Actually I created a little script for you (you need to put it on your flash drive as well and make it executable 'chmod +x scriptname'), however you need another computer and a flash drive to get the required packages.

1. Download b43-fwcutter binary packages:
and click on Download from other mirror

2. Download broadcom driver

Put both packages on a flash drive and insert it in the computer running archlinux from the boot cd.
Mount the flash drive by entering
# fdisk -l                    # find out which device is the flash drive
# mount  /dev/sdb1 /media     # if /dev/sdb1 is the flash drive

The script:

mkdir /b43
cd /b43
cp /media/b43* .
cp /media/broad* .
pacman -U b43-fwcutter-*
export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware"
tar xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2
b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux/wl_apsta.o 

modprobe -r b43 bcma 
modprobe -r brcmsmac bcma 
modprobe -r wl
modprobe b43

This should do it, let me know if you have problems with that.

# wifi-menu
--> The menu starts, yippeh! 

Hope that helped somebody else! 

The first step

So I decided to install Arch Linux. That's already the point where it got messy.

Well there is no GUI as I know it from other distributions to install the OS, no just plain command line. How awesome is that, until, yeah until you got stuck like I did.

Well I followed the official ArchWiki right there:

So I created a boot partition by using the tool gdisk. Not too hard, if you know that the first partition on a disk should start at 2048. Boot should be about 100 MB in size, so enter +100M for the ending section (yeah I struggled with that command already, how should I know on which sector I want the partition to end? Well, if I would have asked the manual I already knew that there is the possibility of relative size input). After figuring that out the partitioning went smoothly through and I created a LVM containing a SWAP and ROOT as well as a HOME partition.

The instruction for creating a LVM can be found here:

Then, and then, the real problem came up: The wireless driver b43...