Monday, November 26, 2012

The first step

So I decided to install Arch Linux. That's already the point where it got messy.

Well there is no GUI as I know it from other distributions to install the OS, no just plain command line. How awesome is that, until, yeah until you got stuck like I did.

Well I followed the official ArchWiki right there:

So I created a boot partition by using the tool gdisk. Not too hard, if you know that the first partition on a disk should start at 2048. Boot should be about 100 MB in size, so enter +100M for the ending section (yeah I struggled with that command already, how should I know on which sector I want the partition to end? Well, if I would have asked the manual I already knew that there is the possibility of relative size input). After figuring that out the partitioning went smoothly through and I created a LVM containing a SWAP and ROOT as well as a HOME partition.

The instruction for creating a LVM can be found here:

Then, and then, the real problem came up: The wireless driver b43...

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